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Mas Tacos

June 29, 2021
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Elders Sanchez, Hunick, and Hernandez--the three office elders for our first few weeks in Xalapa--took us to eat at Mas Tacos. This is what you call a food experience. We've had Tacos al Pastor in America, but this is the real deal. It's very simple--meat, pineapple, chopped onions, a squeeze of lime, and cilantro. They slap the tortilla onto the plate of meat and use it to pick up the meat, then top it and add a choice of five different sauces, ranging from spicy to very spicy, not for overly-tentative gringos! We are learning to not only ask if something is delicious, but if it's spicy!

Think slices of meat are stacked onto this huge skewer, then cooked over an open flame. The meat is sliced and then served by the kilo.