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Xalapa and Macuiltepetl Zone Conference June 2021

June 28, 2021
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Our first zone conference, what a thrill to be part of such an amazing mission. The Assistants to the President (AP's) led a discussion about creating a new mission culture centered in Christ and focused on the principles of: love, obedience, excellence, and urgency.

The highlight of the day was when they announced that the Mexico Xalapa Mission was the highest baptizing mission in all of Mexico in May!

Macuiltepetl and Xalapa Zones

Xalapa Zone with President and Sister Perkins

The Hermanas

Elder Martinez, the AP for the South part of the mission. Elder Martinez is genuine and a terrific ministering leader for the mission, he's always on the phone checking on missionaries and helping them. He used to be the financial secretary and has been a huge help for us in learning the ropes.

Elder Anderson, the AP for the north part of the mission. Elder Anderson has been a vital part of helping this mission be so successful, especially after COVID. We love these two AP's, what a great example they are.

Elder Valenzuela is one of the Zone Leaders for the Xalapa zone. He is amazing, he has a vibrant personality and loves rugby!

Elder Bodily is the other ZL for the Xalapa zone. He has been so good to us, what a great missionary. This is his last transfer and we will miss him!

Elder Hernandez and Elder Juarez. Elder H is one of our two office elders--he is a huge help to us! He is in charge of materials for apartments and missionary work. Elder Juarez is one of the ZLs for the Macuiltepetl Zone. His smile brightens the room!

Elder Hunick is our other office elder--he is the secretary to the President and does an amazing job with visas and keeping everything in order.